We are looking for young talents!
Already gained practical experience in the professional environment are of benefit to make a professional take off possible. Therefore, we offer you the possibility to participate in a working student placement scheme via Oncotec Pharma Produktion GmbH, to complete your mandatory internship or to prepare a practice-related final degree thesis on interesting subjects and projects within the scope of your studies.
Because we recognize and acknowledge efforts, you will be paid a nongratuitous expense allowance for the time being with us during your study course. This is accompanied by a defined assignment of tasks and an optimum of coaching through experienced colleagues from the particular specialist department during your time with Oncotec Pharma Produktion GmbH.
The exchange of experience with other students in our company is also provided.
Please, find here the current allocation of subjects and projects for a final degree thesis:
>> Current issues
The covering letter, resume and your university enrolment certificate should be included in your application documents. If you can demonstrate good to very good academic performances, we are looking forward to your application via e-mail under jobs@oncotec.de.